Michel ARNI

Born in 1953

Practice areas :

  • Banking and Finance
  • Trusts and Estates
  • Corporate, Commercial and Contract Law
  • Art law

Languages :

  • French
  • English
  • German

Education :

  • 1976 : University of Geneva, Law Degree
  • 1979 : Admitted to the Bar
  • 2003 : INSEAD, COL

Professional experience :

Michel Arni has started his career as a legal advisor for a large Swiss bank in Geneva first and consequently in New York, Singapore and Sydney. He was then in charge of the department and secretary of the board of directors of Deutsche Bank (Suisse) SA in Geneva. Within this function he developed a more client focused activity in all wealth planning issues.
In 1993, he was recruited by Rothschild Bank AG in Zurich with the mission to restructure the trust company in Switzerland and abroad. He then left his position as CEO of the trust business in order to become Head of private banking for Rothschild AG in Switzerland and its affiliated companies abroad. He developed this division substantially until his departure in 2007.
After this date, he came back to Geneva in order to participate with the setting up of a new private bank in Switzerland and became head of the private client's division. This bank was merged with Banque Cramer SA in 2014.
He has been Chairman of Christie's advisory board in Switzerland for several years and is a personal advisor to important collectors. Given his background, he is familiar with all legal, Financial and artistic issues surrounding the acquisition and the disposal of works of art on an international level.
He is now practicing as an independent attorney & advisor, specialised in all wealth management issues including all matters related to works of art.