Born in 1974

Practice areas :

  • Civil and Commercial Litigation
  • Corporate, Commercial and Contract Law
  • Banking and Finance
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Labour and Employment Law
  • Family law

Languages :

  • French
  • English
  • Italian

Education :

  • 1999 : University of Geneva

Professional experience :

After having completed an internship and worked as an associate at Budin Partners (2001-2012), in Geneva, he joined Perréard de Boccard SA as a partner in 2013.
Since 2022 he is a partner at Budin Partners.

Memberships :

  • Geneva Bar Association
  • Swiss Bar Association
  • Geneva Business Law Association (AGDA)
  • Member of the Cercle MBC
  • Member of the Swiss-Italian Chamber of Commerce
  • Member of the French Golf Federation